
best nature for rabsca

Abilities: Synchronize - Telepathy (Hidden Power)
Synchronize: When this Pokémon becomes Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burned, so does the opponent. However, Fire-type and H2o Veil power Pokémon cannot be Burned, Poisonous substance-type and Steel-type and Amnesty power Pokémon cannot be Poisoned, and Limber power Pokémon cannot be Paralyzed.
Hidden Ability:
Telepathy: Prevents harm from team-mates during Double and Triple battles
Experience Growth Base Happiness Effort Values Earned
2 Sp. Assail Point(southward)


Attacking Move Type: Normal-type Attacking Move Type: Fire-type Attacking Move Type: Water-type Attacking Move Type: Electric-type Attacking Move Type: Grass-type Attacking Move Type: Ice-type Attacking Move Type: Fighting-type Attacking Move Type: Poison-type Attacking Move Type: Ground-type Attacking Move Type: Flying-type Attacking Move Type: Psychic-type Attacking Move Type: Bug-type Attacking Move Type: Rock-type Attacking Move Type: Ghost-type Attacking Move Type: Dragon-type Attacking Move Type: Dark-type Attacking Move Type: Steel-type Attacking Move Type: Fairy-type
*1 *2 *1 *1 *0.5 *i *0.25 *1 *0.five *2 *0.5 *2 *2 *2 *one *two *1 *1
Wild Hold Item Egg Groups
Evolutionary Concatenation

To evolve Rellor into Rabsca, have information technology walk thou steps in Let'due south Get without returning to Poke Brawl and level it up


Crimson Evolve Rellor
Tera Raid Battles: 4 Star Raid Battles
Violet Evolve Rellor
Tera Raid Battles: 4 Star Raid Battles
Wild Spawn Biomes Desert
Flavor Text
Scarlet The body that supports the ball barely moves. Therefore, it is thought that the true body of this Pokémon is actually inside the brawl.
Violet An infant sleeps inside the ball. Rabsca rolls the ball soothingly with its legs to ensure the baby sleeps comfortably.

Standard Level Upward

Level Assault Proper noun Type Cat. Att. Acc. PP Effect %
Evolve Revival Approval Revival Blessing - Normal-type Revival Blessing: Other Move -- 101 i --
The user bestows a loving blessing, reviving a party Pokémon that has fainted and restoring half that Pokémon's max HP.
Tackle Tackle - Normal-type Tackle: Physical Move xl 100 35 --
A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole trunk.
Defense force Curlicue Defense Curl - Normal-type Defense Curl: Other Move -- 101 xl --
The user curls up and boosts its Defense stat.
Confusion Confusion - Psychic-type Confusion: Special Move l 100 25 ten
The target is hitting with a weak telekinetic strength to inflict damage. This may also confuse the target.
4 Sand Assail Sand Attack - Ground-type Sand Attack: Other Move -- 100 15 --
Sand is hurled in the target'due south face, lowering the target's accuracy.
7 Struggle Bug Struggle Bug - Bug-type Struggle Bug: Special Move l 100 20 --
The user attacks past struggling against opposing Pokémon. This too lowers their Sp. Atk stats.
11 Rollout Rollout - Rock-type Rollout: Physical Move 30 ninety 20 --
The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. This attack becomes more powerful each time it hits.
15 Psybeam Psybeam - Psychic-type Psybeam: Special Move 65 100 20 x
The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may besides misfile the target.
20 Issues Bite Bug Bite - Bug-type Bug Bite: Physical Move 60 100 20 --
The user attacks past biting the target. If the target is belongings a Berry, the user eats information technology and gains its effect.
24 Take Down Take Down - Normal-type Take Down: Physical Move 90 85 xx --
A reckless full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. This as well damages the user a little.
29 Extrasensory Extrasensory - Psychic-type Extrasensory: Special Move 80 100 twenty x
The user attacks with an odd, unseeable power. This may also make the target flinch.
35 Lunge Lunge - Bug-type Lunge: Physical Move 80 100 15 --
The user makes a lunge at the target, attacking with total strength. This also lowers the target's Assault stat.
40 Speed Swap Speed Swap - Psychic-type Speed Swap: Other Move -- 101 ten --
The user exchanges Speed stats with the target.
twoscore Ability Swap Power Swap - Psychic-type Power Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user employs its psychic power to switch changes to its Attack and Sp. Atk stats with the target.
40 Guard Swap Guard Swap - Psychic-type Guard Swap: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user employs its psychic ability to switch changes to its Defense and Sp. Def stats with the target.
45 Issues Buzz Bug Buzz - Bug-type Bug Buzz: Special Move 90 100 x --
The user vibrates to generate a damaging audio wave. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
50 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move 90 100 x --
The target is hitting with a strong telekinetic strength to inflict damage. This may as well lower the target'due south Sp. Def stat.

Technical Machine Attacks

TM # Attack Name Blazon True cat. Att. Acc. PP Upshot %
TM001 Have Down Take Down - Normal-type Take Down: Physical Move 90 85 20 --
A reckless total-body charge set on for slamming into the target. This likewise amercement the user a footling.
TM005 Mud-Slap Mud-Slap - Ground-type Mud-Slap: Special Move twenty 100 10 --
The user hurls mud in the target's face up to inflict impairment and lower its accuracy.
TM007 Protect Protect - Normal-type Protect: Other Move -- 101 10 --
This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if information technology is used in succession.
TM015 Struggle Bug Struggle Bug - Bug-type Struggle Bug: Special Move fifty 100 20 --
The user attacks by struggling against opposing Pokémon. This besides lowers their Sp. Atk stats.
TM016 Psybeam Psybeam - Psychic-type Psybeam: Special Move 65 100 20 10
The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also confuse the target.
TM017 Confuse Ray Confuse Ray - Ghost-type Confuse Ray: Other Move -- 100 ten --
The target is exposed to a sinister ray that causes confusion.
TM018 Thief Thief - Dark-type Thief: Physical Move lx 100 25 --
The user attacks and steals the target'southward held item simultaneously. The user tin't steal anything if it already holds an particular.
TM021 Pounce Pounce - Bug-type Pounce: Physical Move l 100 20 --
The user attacks by pouncing on the target. This also lowers the target's Speed stat.
TM025 Facade Facade - Normal-type Facade: Physical Move 70 100 twenty --
This move's power is doubled if the user is poisoned, burned, or paralyzed.
TM035 Mud Shot Mud Shot - Ground-type Mud Shot: Special Move 55 95 fifteen --
The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud at the target. This also lowers the target'south Speed stat.
TM036 Stone Tomb Rock Tomb - Rock-type Rock Tomb: Physical Move 60 95 15 --
The user hurls boulders at the target to inflict damage. This also lowers the target's Speed stat by cut off its motility.
TM041 Stored Power Stored Power - Psychic-type Stored Power: Special Move 20 100 10 --
The user attacks the target with stored power. The more the user's stats are additional, the greater the move'southward power.
TM043 Fling Fling - Dark-type Fling: Physical Move ?? 100 x --
The user flings its held item at the target to attack. This motility's ability and furnishings depend on the item.
TM047 Suffer Endure - Normal-type Endure: Other Move -- 101 x --
The user endures any assail with at least 1 HP. This move's chance of declining rises if used in succession.
TM049 Sunny Solar day Sunny Day - Fire-type Sunny Day: Other Move -- 101 5 --
The user intensifies the dominicus for five turns, powering upwardly Fire-type attacks. The sunlight also lowers the ability of Water-type attacks.
TM050 Rain Dance Rain Dance - Water-type Rain Dance: Other Move -- 101 5 --
The user summons a heavy rain that falls for v turns, powering up Water-blazon attacks. The rain also lowers the power of Fire-type attacks.
TM051 Sandstorm Sandstorm - Rock-type Sandstorm: Other Move -- 101 ten --
A v-plow sandstorm is summoned to damage all Pokémon except Stone, Ground, and Steel types. The sandstorm also boosts the Sp. Def stats of Stone types.
TM054 Psyshock Psyshock - Psychic-type Psyshock: Special Move 80 100 ten --
The user materializes an odd psychic moving ridge to attack the target. This move deals physical impairment.
TM055 Dig Dig - Ground-type Dig: Physical Move fourscore 100 ten --
The user burrows into the basis on the first turn, then attacks on the side by side turn.
TM059 Zen Headbutt Zen Headbutt - Psychic-type Zen Headbutt: Physical Move 80 90 15 20
The user focuses its willpower to its head and attacks the target. This may also make the target flinch.
TM070 Sleep Talk Sleep Talk - Normal-type Sleep Talk: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user randomly uses ane of the moves information technology knows. This motility can but be used while the user is comatose.
TM072 Electro Ball Electro Ball - Electric-type Electro Ball: Special Move ?? 100 ten --
The user hurls an electrical orb at the target. The faster the user is than the target, the greater the motion's ability.
TM074 Reverberate Reflect - Psychic-type Reflect: Other Move -- 101 twenty --
A wondrous wall of lite is put up to reduce damage from physical moves for v turns.
TM075 Light Screen Light Screen - Psychic-type Light Screen: Other Move -- 101 30 --
A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce harm from special moves for five turns.
TM079 Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam - Fairy-type Dazzling Gleam: Special Move 80 100 x --
The user amercement opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
TM085 Rest Rest - Psychic-type Rest: Other Move -- 101 five --
The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and cures any status conditions.
TM092 Imprison Imprison - Psychic-type Imprison: Other Move -- 101 x --
If opposing Pokémon know any move also known by the user, they are prevented from using it.
TM095 Leech Life Leech Life - Bug-type Leech Life: Physical Move 80 100 10 --
The user drains the target's claret. The user's HP is restored by up to half the damage taken by the target.
TM098 Skill Swap Skill Swap - Psychic-type Skill Swap: Other Move -- 101 x --
The user employs its psychic power to exchange Abilities with the target.
TM101 Ability Gem Power Gem - Rock-type Power Gem: Special Move 80 100 xx --
The user attacks with a ray of lite that sparkles every bit if information technology were fabricated of gemstones.
TM102 Gunk Shot Gunk Shot - Poison-type Gunk Shot: Physical Move 120 80 5 30
The user shoots filthy garbage at the target to assail. This may also poisonous substance the target.
TM103 Substitute Substitute - Normal-type Substitute: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its own HP. The substitute serves as the user's decoy.
TM104 Iron Defense Iron Defense - Steel-type Iron Defense: Other Move -- 101 xv --
The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply boosting its Defense stat.
TM105 X-Scissor X-Scissor - Bug-type X-Scissor: Physical Move 80 100 15 --
The user slashes at the target by crossing its scythes, claws, or the like every bit if they were a pair of pair of scissors.
TM109 Pull a fast one on Trick - Psychic-type Trick: Other Move -- 100 10 --
The user catches the target off guard and swaps the target's held item with its own.
TM114 Shadow Ball Shadow Ball - Ghost-type Shadow Ball: Special Move 80 100 15 --
The user attacks past hurling a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM119 Energy Ball Energy Ball - Grass-type Energy Ball: Special Move ninety 100 10 --
The user draws power from nature and fires it at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM120 Psychic Psychic - Psychic-type Psychic: Special Move ninety 100 10 --
The target is hitting with a strong telekinetic force to inflict damage. This may likewise lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM129 Calm Mind Calm Mind - Psychic-type Calm Mind: Other Move -- 101 20 --
The user quietly focuses its mind and calms its spirit to boost its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats.
TM133 Earth Ability Earth Power - Ground-type Earth Power: Special Move 90 100 10 --
The user makes the basis nether the target erupt with ability. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
TM138 Psychic Terrain Psychic Terrain - Psychic-type Psychic Terrain: Other Move -- 101 10 --
This protects Pokémon on the ground from priority moves and powers up Psychic-type moves for five turns.
TM148 Sludge Bomb Sludge Bomb - Poison-type Sludge Bomb: Special Move ninety 100 10 30
The user hurls unsanitary sludge at the target to inflict damage. This may also poison the target.
TM152 Giga Touch on Giga Impact - Normal-type Giga Impact: Physical Move 150 90 5 --
The user charges at the target using as of its power. The user tin't move on the adjacent plow.
TM161 Pull a fast one on Room Trick Room - Psychic-type Trick Room: Other Move -- 101 5 --
The user creates a baroque area in which slower Pokémon get to motility first for five turns.
TM162 Bug Buzz Bug Buzz - Bug-type Bug Buzz: Special Move ninety 100 10 --
The user vibrates to generate a dissentious sound moving ridge. This may besides lower the target'south Sp. Def stat.
TM163 Hyper Beam Hyper Beam - Normal-type Hyper Beam: Special Move 150 xc 5 --
The target is attacked with a powerful axle. The user can't movement on the next turn.
TM171 Tera Boom Tera Blast - Normal-type Tera Blast: Special Move 80 100 x --
If the user has Terastallized, information technology unleashes energy of its Tera Blazon. This move inflicts damage using the Assail or Sp. Atk stat—whichever is higher for the user.

Egg Moves

Attack Proper noun Type Cat. Att. Acc. PP Upshot %
Recover Recover - Normal-type Recover: Other Move -- 101 v -- Details
The user regenerates its cells, restoring its own HP by upwardly to half its max HP.
Memento Memento - Dark-type Memento: Other Move -- 100 10 -- Details
The user faints. In return, the target'southward Set on and Sp. Atk stats are harshly lowered.
Weather Brawl Weather Ball - Normal-type Weather Ball: Special Move fifty 100 10 -- Details
This motility'southward type and power change depending on the weather condition at the time the move is used.
Cosmic Ability Cosmic Power - Psychic-type Cosmic Power: Other Move -- 101 20 -- Details
The user absorbs a mystical power from infinite to boost its Defense and Sp. Def stats.

Move Reminder Only Attacks

Attack Proper noun Blazon Cat. Att. Acc. PP Effect %
Safeguard Safeguard - Normal-type Safeguard: Other Move -- 101 25 --
The user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions for five turns.
Psych Upwardly Psych Up - Normal-type Psych Up: Other Move -- 101 10 --
The user hypnotizes itself into copying whatever stat change made by the target.
Pre-Evolution Only Moves
Attack Proper name Blazon Cat. Att. Acc. PP Result % Method
Mud Shot Mud Shot - Ground-type Mud Shot: Special Move 55 95 15 --
Learn as Rellor Lv. fifteen
The user attacks past hurling a blob of mud at the target. This as well lowers the target's Speed stat.
Dig Dig - Ground-type Dig: Physical Move eighty 100 10 --
Learn as Rellor Lv. 29
The user burrows into the footing on the first plough, then attacks on the next turn.


HP Attack Defense Sp. Attack Sp. Defense force Speed
Base Stats - Total: 470 75 50 85 115 100 45
Max Stats
Hindering Nature
Lv. 50 135 - 182 49 - 91 81 - 123 108 - 150 94 - 136 45 - 87
Lv. 100 260 - 354 94 - 179 157 - 242 211 - 296 184 - 269 85 - 170
Max Stats
Neutral Nature
Lv. 50 135 - 182 55 - 102 90 - 137 120 - 167 105 - 152 l - 97
Lv. 100 260 - 354 105 - 199 175 - 269 235 - 329 205 - 299 95 - 189
Max Stats
Beneficial Nature
Lv. fifty 135 - 182 60 - 112 99 - 150 132 - 183 115 - 167 55 - 106
Lv. 100 260 - 354 115 - 218 192 - 295 258 - 361 225 - 328 104 - 207


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